2022 Annual DInner in Austin, TX

Association of Osteobiology Dinner Austin 2022 and Photos

Members Only/ By Nicky Partridge

Dear Association of Osteobiology Members:

The 2022 Osteobiology Dinner and Annual Meeting was held at III Forks, Austin, Texas on Saturday September 10, 2022. It was a sold-out event! We had a wonderful evening of good food and wines and were fortunate enough to be able to persuade the rock musician Kathy Valentine of the band The Go-Go’s to come and talk to us about her life, as our after dinner lecture. She actually sang some of her most famous songs (certain members sang along and danced to them!) and UT Austin Press sold signed copies of her autobiography, which were much in demand. We have collected photos of the evening in a Dropbox folder and if you wish to share your photos you can do so at that site. Please go to the following link https://osteobiology.org/photos-2022-annual-dinner-in-austin-tx/.

Thank you all for contributing to such a fun evening, and I look forward to seeing you at the next one in Vancouver.

Nicky Partridge

Acting President

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